Friday, August 6, 2010

FCC and DOJ will coordinate reviews of telecom mergers - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

FCC and DOJ will coordinate reviews of telecom mergers - The Hill's Hillicon Valley:
By Gautham Nagesh - 08/06/10 11:43 AM ET
"Commissioner Mignon Clyburn raised the issue after the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's approval of an April divestiture by Verizon to Atlantic Tele-Network in connection to Verizon Wireless's acquisition of ALLTEL. Clyburn noted that Verizon had little to no guidance on what procedures it should use to reconcile the potentially divergent goals.

“Increased coordination between DOJ and the FCC on divestitures will benefit small businesses, new entrants and all parties to merger transactions,' Genachowski said. 'I am particularly grateful to Commissioner Clyburn for highlighting this issue, and for her focus on, insight into and contributions to ensuring our progress in this area.”"

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