Monday, May 20, 2019


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Friday, February 27, 2015

News Guide: FCC ‘net neutrality’ vote and what it means - The Washington Post

Associated Press
The FCC put the Internet in the same regulatory camp as the telephone, regulating it like a public utility. That means whatever company provides your Internet connection, even if it’s to your phone, will now have to act in the public interest and not do anything that might be considered “unjust or unreasonable.” If it doesn’t, you can complain and the FCC can step in to investigate.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Exelon backs EPA Clean Power Plan, wants price on carbon | Utility Dive

By  | February 23, 2015
Officials at Exelon say the EPA's new carbon rules could help modernize the grid and will not upset energy markets or put too much strain on consumers.

Columbia, SC: Scott: Shouldn’t everyone who uses phone service pay for it? SC bill would require that | Opinion Columns | The State

A bill in the state Senate, S.277, corrects this inequity and strengthens the system we all must access. It updates laws that were passed before the technological revolution.
One of the bill’s most important elements is to keep costs down by capping the Universal Service Fund at $40 million. Today, it’s capped at $170 million. So depending upon their communication choices, consumers may see a slight net decrease or increase, or no change in the fee they pay to support the fund.

Read more here:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NARUC meetings: Do we need a carbon price to comply with the EPA's Clean Power Plan? | Utility Dive

By  | February 17, 201
There are really two routes for states to take when thinking about implementing the emissions reductions mandated by the Clean Power Plan, according to Asim Haque, vice-chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). The first option is to cap carbon emissions from each individual power plant. But that route is logistically difficult and could cause reliability issues, Haque said. 
The second option is to identify a carbon price for regional electric markets. This wouldn’t be a cap and trade system like the regional greenhouse gas initiative (RGGI), Haque stressed. Rather, generators would have to factor in the price of carbon when they bid into energy markets, making carbon-intensive energy more expensive than low carbon resources.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Colleton Solar Farm generates enough energy to power 300 homes in 1st year

By Liz Segrist
Published Feb. 2, 2015
Data indicate that the tracking panels that follow the sun generate power for about 3 1/2 hours longer than the fixed panels during the longest days of summer. Nearly two hours of that time is electricity delivered during the afternoon peak of power demand.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The head of the FCC just proposed the strongest net neutrality rules eve

By Brian Fung

In a Wired op-ed, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced he wants to regulate Internet providers with the most aggressive tool at his disposal: Title II of the Communications Act. In addition to covering fixed broadband providers such as Comcast and Time Warner Cable, the draft rules would cover wireless providers such as T-Mobile and Sprint. The rules would also make speeding up or slowing down Web traffic — a tactic known as prioritization — illegal. And it would ban the blocking of Web traffic outright.

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