Thursday, July 14, 2011

Utility Shelves Ambitious Plan to Limit Carbon -

Matthew L. Wald and John M. Broder
"American Electric Power has decided to table plans to build a full-scale carbon-capture plant at Mountaineer, a 31-year-old coal-fired plant in West Virginia, where the company has successfully captured and buried carbon dioxide in a small pilot program for two years."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Republicans fail to block new light bulb standards - Business -

- The Associated Press
"Under existing rules, new bulbs will have to be 25 to 30 percent more efficient than traditional incandescent models. As of Jan. 1, 2012, inefficient 100-watt bulbs will no longer be available at most stores. Also on the way out are traditional 75-watt bulbs in 2013 and 40-watt and 60-watt versions in 2014.
The National Resources Defense Council said that when the law is fully implemented in 2020, energy costs will be reduced by 7 percent or about $85 a household every year. It said the more efficient bulbs will eliminate the need for 33 large power plants."

Water rate hike challenged - Local / Metro -

'Its requests would increase the typical monthly residential bill to $65 from $35 for water and to $44 from $39 for sewer, state officials estimate."

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